Our New Home Sweet Home

I’m very happy to announce that we were able to get the keys to our new flat yesterday! It will be a bit until we actually move in as we plan to do some painting and need to order some basic furniture, like a mattress and bed, but it marks the end of living in… Continue reading Our New Home Sweet Home

The Cats of Glasgow

When I’m out and about, I enjoy meeting the kitties of the neighborhood. Here is a sampling of them. P.S. Dog-lovers, I hope to post some pictures of the many very sweet Glasgow dogs (I especially love the Scotties!) but they’re a little harder to shoot since they’re often attached to their owners.

A Little More P.

From the time I decided to join D. in Scotland to the time I actually arrived, there were a lot of ups and downs. The immigration process is fairly complicated on its own, but throwing in the pandemic and Brexit certainly made it not for the faint of heart. D. and I wound up being… Continue reading A Little More P.

Rising from Hibernation

After four months of pretty tight lockdown, Scotland re-emerged in a pretty big way this week! All shops, gyms, beauty salons, restaurants, bars are now open. Of course, there are some caveats – masks are still required in stores and restaurants and bars cannot serve alcohol inside. That latter point has made restauranteurs and bar… Continue reading Rising from Hibernation

Another Wee Jab

Some folks have asked about the health system here, called the National Health Service, or NHS for short, so I thought I would share about a bit about the experience of getting my vaccine yesterday. The NHS sends you a letter when you’re due, giving you a time and location to get your shot. I… Continue reading Another Wee Jab

Ode to My Dad

Today is my dad’s birthday. I have been reflecting on him and how fortunate I feel to have him as my dad, so I thought I would share a few of his qualities that make him so dear to me. He has a great, dry (sometimes warped) sense of humor. He often comes up with… Continue reading Ode to My Dad

Springs Past

One thing I think that this pandemic period has brought is the opportunity to reflect. I’ve heard from one friend was reading her old journals. I asked another friend if she was missing travel and she mentioned that she was enjoying recalling trips in her past. Those time-traveling friends have inspired this post reaching back… Continue reading Springs Past

Bits and Bobs

A few folks have asked what’s happening as I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog. So sorry, I can’t honestly say that I have too much to report, though I have been meaning to sit down and at least write something for the last ten days. I feel a bit like a broken record:… Continue reading Bits and Bobs