
Hello and Welcome to the Wee Isle Life Blog!

As I shared news of my plans to move to Scotland, a number of family, friends and colleagues said they wanted to hear about my adventures (and misadventures) adapting to my new life. If you’re one of those folks, as my mother’s beloved Barry Manilow would sing – “This one’s for you!”

I can’t promise lots of action and adventure (especially during a pandemic lock-down), but will share short glimpses on:

  • Learning a foreign language (the “Glaswegian patter”)
  • Scottish culture and traditions
  • Glasgow life and people – including the Greek diaspora or “Greek posse” as I call them

I welcome your comments and suggestions and hope this is a means for staying connected with you.

P.S. For those wondering about the title – “wee” is a term meaning small used liberally by Scots as in “a wee dram of whiskey”, “a wee coffee place” or a “wee ginger cat” and “isle” is as in the British Isles.

Please come back – the page is a bit rough and plain now, but I’m planning more visuals soon.


  1. I’ve been thinking of you. Glad to hear you finally made it to Scotland. Interesting adventures and much happiness to you.

  2. Wishing you all the best in your new adventures and a 2021 that is filled with joy and exciting opportunities!
    Happy New Year. Good riddance 2020.

  3. What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing your new adventures with us back here living more of the same till liberation from covid.
    Very best to you as you open this amazing new chapter in your life,

  4. What a great idea, the blog. I look forward to reading about your adventures, examples of Glaswegian patter, interesting food and customs.

  5. This is nice to have a “forum” to stay in touch. Maybe you can keep the tea-lovers posted regarding any great teas you come across during your adventures!

  6. Yea! I’m so happy to hear about your new life. Can’t wait to see where life takes you this year.
    Question. “Greek posse”? Are there gang signs? Are they limited to Glasgow or are they everywhere??? Is this a private reference to your beloved economist? Or are you living next door to them? Or dining in their eating establishments? Or just holding tight to your backpack in public?
    Miss you. Love you. See you. Soonish. ♥️

    1. Well, here’s a bit more info on the “Greek Posse”. Dimitri first found out about his job through another Greek at the University, then once he gets the position finds himself in a department with lots of Greeks and then there are the other Greeks that he seems to find everywhere – one with an apartment down the hall, Uber drivers, cafe owners and workers. And they each seem to lead him to more Greeks. As I haven’t yet met too many people yet, Glasgow seems to me so far like a Greek village set within a Scottish city. It’s a bit of a toss up as to who I can understand better at this point . . . the Greeks or the Scots. 🙂

  7. I’ve just started reading from the beginning. I’m looking forward to seeing a picture of a wee ginger cat having a wee dram of whisky in a wee coffee place. Perhaps it might be surprising to see Ginger having a wee dram of Isle of the Skye aged 8 years, but you can never tell with Scottish cats.

    1. That would be fun indeed! I don’t want to spoil it, but there is a post on cats coming up! 🙂

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