I have another blog in mental planning stage. Hopefully it will move to my fingers and your screen soon. In the meantime, I wanted to share a wonderful sighting from last night.
I doubt there is anyone who has moved to Scotland for the weather, ever. The warm people or the beautiful landscapes, yes, but weather no.
Yesterday was a rainy mess. In spite of that, I had arranged to join a group walk in a part of the Glasgow area that I haven’t yet visited. I was determined to go in spite of the weather.
I arrived by train and walked the twenty minutes to the meet-up site in a park. As sometimes happens here, the sun was coming out and it was raining at the same time.
Then, as I looked to my left, I saw the most magnificent rainbow. It was a full one (even a double as you’ll see in one of the pictures) and with the most pronounced color gradients that I’ve ever seen.
Without rain, no rainbows. Once can find a reason to cherish Scottish weather once in a while.

Wishing you rainbows to lighten any rain that you encounter.
The train ride, 20 minute walk in spite of the rain to see a magnificent rainbow!
You are amazing, Suzanne.
Hi Aunt Priscilla, you’re the amazing one. Much love to you.
What a wonderful sight! Did you check at each end for the pot of gold? Or is that only in Ireland?
Thank you for brightening this day!
No leprechaun sightings this time, but who knows, right? I’ll keep looking.
Thank you, Suzanne. I am going through a rainy season and hope there will be a rainbow at the end
Hi Elaine, sorry to hear you’re in a rainy season. Sending you lots of love and light.
So glad you got such an amazing rainbow. Thanks for sharing it.
Hi Gloria, Thanks for checking it out. Look forward to hearing about your trip soon.
Indeed, thanks for checking the pictures out.
🌈even god loves a pride day🌈